Better ball striking
You know you want it.

Too many golfers make poor contact with the ball with their irons because the low point of their swing is BEFORE the ball, resulting in fat or thin contact.

In the search for solid, quality ball striking you want to make contact with the ball, and then the turf. That requires a slightly descending blow or angle of attack. What if I told you that one of the simple ways to improve your angle of attack on the ball, and therefore your ball striking is...

Yes, a towel!

You know your position at address and impact is different. The setup is exactly that. It’s the correct setup to allow you to make a great swing, returning to what is sometimes referred to as the ”stacked” position at impact. How do you look at impact? 

Improvement makes the game more fun

Whatever your level, a small improvement in ball striking quality, makes a BIG change in how much fun you have out on the golf course. It’s time for better.

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