Fitting by the numbers
Strike distance-gain gold!

You don’t have to swing faster and increase your clubhead speed to hit longer drives. Striking the ball more deeply within the hitting zone of the clubface will increase ball speed and improve your driving distance.

Ever heard of smash factor? It’s a really great indicator of strike quality. To find yours, we need to divide your ball speed by your clubhead speed.

Trying to add clubhead speed can cause swing issues, what we’ll do first is try to shift the impact position of more of your shots to inside the hitting zone of the club face. The closer to 1.5 we can get your smash factor with your driver, the better.

Here’s why you NEED to get fitted for a driver you can strike out the centre: every mile per hour of increased ball speed adds 2 yards of distance to your drives.

Smash through your distance barrier

Think you’ve maxed out your distance potential? Think again! Challenge us to add at least 10 yards to your drives. Fill in your details below, and we can book you in for a fitting.



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