Balance the sand scales

Is this you? | Better golf & Coaching

Is this you? Laugh off thinned sand shots by bringing balance to your bunker play and tipping the enjoyment scales in your favour!

Strike the right balance

Thinned strikes are mostly the result of too much weight on your trail leg. You then try to save the shot with your hands and in the process catch too much ball and too little, if any, sand.

Too long a backswing can throw off your balance, so try taking the club back just beyond waist-height, this also promotes an acceleration through the ball.

We can’t say definitively what your bunker fix is but after a trip to the beach we’ll find it soon enough.

You laugh and learn

Laugh off thinned bunker shots and learn to sure up your strikes out the sand! Fill in your details, and we will contact you about a lesson.



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